Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Icky Oatmeal

I have initially wanted to create a post on more MRT stuff, until I read Pig's most recent entry. Hey! What are friends for?! I should write something about a friend than a bunch of nameless strangers on the MRT, right??

Can you imagine eating something that you KNOW that you have kept it around for one whole year in the humid environment of this country? Awwww.... Yep! That was my first reaction!

I have seen his oatmeal concoction when I visited him once. "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" It stands true even for food. I thought it resembled something, which I had expelled from my stomach when I had food poisoning once, but then again, it looked like gourmet dinner to him. *Shrug* Oh well, to each his own. So you get the idea what it actually looks like. "The porridge-like texture and the taste is a combination die for -- what more can I ask for? - quotation from Pig I wonder if this sentence has a double meaning to it. *ponder* (It's a pity I didn't take the opportunity to capture it with a camera. Time to get a camera phone!)

On top of this, he gobbled it down even though he discovered some strange bits floating in it. *sigh*

Is it so difficult to prepare a healthy meal without eating vomit-like oatmeal with dead insects floating on it?

Pig, here's a simple recipe for you. If you are really going vegetarian, just cook a little rice/porridge. Get some nice leafy xiao bai cai, boil them for one minute and pour oyster sauce over them. I guarantee that they have a more pleasing aesthetic effect and more nutrients than your strange looking oatmeal. Simple enough for lazy you?

P.S Knowing him, he will probably pen a sarcastic comment later. However, in order to prove me wrong, he may forcefully restrain himself from writing the comment.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

A survey on MRT riding habits.

1. At the entrance, do you
a. try to rub your big fat black bag over the ezlink sensor (a few times, that is, because the ezlink card in your bag has shifted from left to right)(especially if you are an auntie with a really big bag), valiantly enduring the scathing looks from the peak hour commuters behind you?
b. tap the sensor lightly with your ultra slim card holder?
c. pull your brakes just before the gantry, causing other commuters to collide headlong into you, before you dig into your bag to search for your ezlink card for a full 10 mins?

2. After you have painstakingly crossed the gantry, do you
a. run down the stairs to try to beat the rest of the commuters on the escalators, as it makes good sense to do a little exercise everyday?
b. stand beside someone on the right side of the escalator, being the only person standing in the right, enduring the daggered looks of the person behind you and hot breaths down your neck, while blissfully looking around, enjoying the scenary?
c. try to run down the right side of the escalator (to try to beat Mr. A), only to find Mr. B blissfully blocking your way?

3. After crossing rivers and mountains, when you have finally reached the platform, do you
a. lean against the glass panels like a spineless creature
b. ignore the yellow markings on the ground and stick your nose against the glass doors, because you are so shortsighted that you can't even see the doors (and the yellow markings) at all?
c. find a small seat between 2 people and squeeze yourself between them, causing one of them of fall off his/her end of the seat, just so that you can expand the size of your bum (my friend has this theory that women's bums grows due to prolonged sitting in the offices)? Now I'm Ms C here. Do you notice that, no matter how wide the space is, the 2 people will definitely shift themselves to give up miniscular amount of unneccessary space? Must be the human space I'm talking about. Hehe, I simple love to see people squim. Muahahaha.

4. When the MRT doors open with loads and loads of people in the 100m starting race position, do you
a. bash straight into them, rugby style, because you simply can't understand a very simple theory in physics that, in order for something to enter a full container, things must come out first?
b. stand at the side politely, while all the Mr. and Ms. As are bashing each other silly, to find that, when the mrt bells chime, there isn't any space for you, then resignedly wait for the next train?
c. turn ninja style and slowly edge from the side of the door and squirm yourself through the crowd?

Please write your answers in my comments (blabber) box. This post is in no way related to the SMRT and any similar reference is purely personal.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

For All Sudoku Suckers (like me!) Out There!!

A thousand thanks to Kristin who has posted the link in my comments box. Check out this absolutely, mind boggling Fiendish Sudoku website! They provide 5 puzzles of different levels of difficulty each day. I can assure you that it will take up a fair bit of your time to solve all 5! I would say the puzzles from the previous link which I have given you probably fall under the catergory of easy. Hard takes slightly more time and Fiendish is, well, the name speaks for itself.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


One more post, today, to make up for the lost months.

TS got me hooked onto this thingy. It's some number game with a unique solution. You will catch me huddled over my table, with a frown on my forehead, trying to figure out the solution. Just imagine the sense of satisfaction when I solve it! YES!

TS, the main supplier of the puzzles had to diligently download them from TODAY's website and photostat them for us. THANKS!!! But now, muahahhaha! I have discovered the ultimate source from YY's blog!

If you are a fan of Sudoku, wait no longer, just click on this link to satisfy your craving!

For the suakus (suaku = mountain turtle = ignoramus) who have never seen a sudoku puzzle before, here's one to increase your knowledge database.

2 Weeks of Nothing, but Sloth and Gluttony!

2 weeks of MC (Medical Leave), I'd better put it to good use. I'm supposed to be an invalid for this span of time, anyway. Invalid = I can eat, sleep, watch tv, surf net, but I'm not supposed to indulge in any form of housework or carry anything heavy. Sounds like heaven, eh? Hee hee.

Ok ok, I'm just abusing the MC to escape from work. Satisfied???? *fold arms* Well, I've never had a 2 weeks Mc before and yet, I can't wait to go back to work. I can be so masochistic, sometimes.

Well, Kok Wai told me to get my ass off (nag nag) and start writing something constructive in my blog (nag nag) and stop wasting cyberspace (nag nag). (Say! He's an awful nag for someone just one year older than I am. He's probably going to knock my head when he reads this, but then again, it may take him another 1 month or so to detour back here. So that's ONE MONTH REPRIEVE! Just can't stop myself from taking a dig at him.)

Therefore, here I am, trying to add some spice, vinegar, sugar, salt into everyone's (one who bothers to read this) life.

Stay tuned for more games and sarcasm!

*Akan Datang!

*I think it means To be continued...... in malay.
Waa! Incredible Surge in Comments!

See see! I actually have more than 20 comments for my last substandard, pathetic entry. Exhilarated, I thought, Hey! People are starting to take notice of my blog! Then, again, after browsing through the comments, they fall into 2 catergories:
1. Begging for $$
2. A standard "praise" for my blog before doing some free marketing for theirs.

If you don't have any constructive comments, then just don't write anything! BAH!