Thursday, March 19, 2009

Twitty Bird

Yapadoodadoo! Yes! I'm on twitter!! Finally, I have "sort of" figured out what twitter is (as duma has very nonchalently put it,"oh I'm on twitter long time ago..." and gave me THE LOOK. I could feel his "look" even though it was across msn messenger. =p) although I haven't quite understood how to twitter through my handphone. Hmm... Do I have to pay for the smses?

Anyway, here's my little twitter site There's only one short phrase on it, but HEY! That's a promising start!! (Ok, don't start reminding me about my one blog post per week thingy. I'm IMPROVING!)


Amleth said...

cool !! now start blogging regularly.

Ah Wei said...

it's really difficult. there are like 1001 things to do.

guan said...

i'm not reminding you for about your once a week blog...i am reminding you on the issue of the once a month blog...even tat falters......

Ah Wei said...

I just posted! Make that once every 2 months??!!