Monday, February 09, 2009

A New Year, A New Beginning

I know I must said this like a million times - I'm restarting my BLOG! This time I'm really serious. To prove my sincerity, I'm going to write at least once a week! That's my quota for writing.

At least this is a place to let off steam at and it entertains my friends, so why not? Without an outlet to vent my frustration, people around are finding themselves at the end of my tongue lashing... Sigh... My friends are dwindling. So, to save our sanity and relationships, here goes...


justin said...

i think hor, u nv keep up your quota...and nobody reads ur blog too...lolx

Ah Wei said...

says who?! look at all the comments! Actually they are all me, signing in with different nicks. =p