Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Moving!!

After being on blogger for the last 7 years, I have decided to uproot myself and migrate over to wordpress... It's a painful process as I had to spend some time to familiarise myself with everything. It would have taken an IT expert minutes to figure it out, but being no expert, yep, it took quite a fair bit of time.

Anyway, my blog is now officially @ https://myonecentthoughts.wordpress.com


Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Woes of Modern Technology

If you stay on the little island of Singapore, you will not be surprised to see a mosque, a temple and a church being built next to one another. Therefore, it's not surprising to have a Christian wake (or funeral) being set up on the ground floor of a block of flats and the next day a Taoist wake. However, this is not the main point of my blog, which I admit that I'm digressing from.

Anyway, back to the Taoist wake which is being held at the ground floor (or affectionately known as the void deck) of my block. It is a rather grand affair with colourful flags and numerous blankets lining the entire driveway from the road, all the way to my block of flats. If you have been to my place, you'd know that it's a LOOONNNGGG drive. So put your imagination to work and you will marvel and the sheer number of blankets. Not only that, you can't even begin to imagine the NUMBER of cars parked on one side of the narrow road, leaving only a width of 1/2 car space for other cars to maneouver. Great estimation of space.

Now you realise the scale of this particular wake!! Being a Taoist wake, it entails a 24 hour (I hope not, but it really seems like 24 hours to me) of "singing" and chanting (I dearly wish that they have given the "singers" proper singing instructions, which is sorely lacking in this group). I hope I haven't insulted them by thinking that it sounds more like high pitched screeching to me. Til now, I have not figured out why the "singing" has to be so high pitched, why can't they get mellow tenors to belt out the songs instead of poorly trained sops. SIgh... Not only that, the well chosen instruments include cymbals (very generously used), gongs and other attention seeking ones.

They have certainly gained MY attention and my neighbours. Alas, it's not enough for them. They just have to share their musical talents with my neighbouring... town. Huge AMPLIFIERS (yes! Really huge ones! Exactly like the ones you find at a pop star's concert) have been brought in to maximise the effect!!! The marvel (or woes) of technology is now penetrating through my very walls, reverberating around my room.

I truly share the pain of the deceased and the people around them. At least I can muffle the sounds by closing all my windows. But, I simply pity the ones who have to be at the site for a prolonged period. However, the music may grow on them. Who knows??!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To be Me or Not to be Me??

Recently (ok, not so recently. I coined this posting in my mind but have only got around to ACTUALLY posting it today) I attended a team building workshop with my colleagues to set the you-know mission statement, vision thingy.

The trainer brought up a point about harnassing today's technology to expand the business network and contacts, to bring the products closer to the marketplace. He mentioned marketing on twitter and facebook. Therefore, the facebook profile photo should be a well-taken one in formal business attire (Mine shows me eating seaweed soup in Korea - Failed the 1st criterion). And SINCE it's supposed to project you in an utterly professional image, you are not supposed to put any "xia suay" (it means humiliating in the Hokkien Dialect) photo albums. (My photo albums have photos of me in various compromising actions, no nude ones though... - another big X.) The facebook page is meant for you to market the latest project and updates about your business. (My facebook page contains various snide remarks about my friends' comments, photos, what-have-yous. - F9 there.)

Therefore, I have concluded that my facebook page is totally unfit for the business aspect. Therefore, he suggested creating another profile for business purposes. Hmm.. So I asked him, "what about you? Don't you have your friends on facebook?" He replied, "My business self and personal self are coherent, therefore I need not create another one." HAH! He must be quite a boring person.

Anyway, with that wise bit of advice, I have decided that if I were to create another facebook account, simply for business purposes, it will end up to be so UN-me. I will be passing comments like,"Wow! That's a thoughtful action!" instead of "Don't you have better things to do?!!" or "That photo is so wonderfully YOU!" instead of "Oh my goodness! Did you dig out that piece of drapery from your GREAT grandmother's wardrobe?!"

I will become so utterly hypocritcal and boring. That would probably have severe repercussions on my mental health, maybe even resulting in schizophrenic (SEOW! Is this how it's spelt??!!) behaviour. My dear friends, you wouldn't want that to happen to me right? Because I'm the light of your lives.

Therefore, I have decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up the money making opportunities through my facebook profile so that I can continue to post ugly photos of myself and pass insulting but liberating remarks on all your entries! REJOICE!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Twitty Bird

Yapadoodadoo! Yes! I'm on twitter!! Finally, I have "sort of" figured out what twitter is (as duma has very nonchalently put it,"oh I'm on twitter long time ago..." and gave me THE LOOK. I could feel his "look" even though it was across msn messenger. =p) although I haven't quite understood how to twitter through my handphone. Hmm... Do I have to pay for the smses?

Anyway, here's my little twitter site http://twitter.com/LaiZhiwei There's only one short phrase on it, but HEY! That's a promising start!! (Ok, don't start reminding me about my one blog post per week thingy. I'm IMPROVING!)

Monday, February 09, 2009

I Simply Can't Understand ... (Part I)

Do you remember when you were in primary school and your English teacher always wrote the first few words of a sentence on the blackboard (Yes... no white boards during my dinosaur era. I simply loved eating chalk dust. =p) and expected you to churn up a few pages of writing from that? Well, that's simply what I'm doing.

I simply cannot understand why people would spend $7 per hour to employ a telemarketeer to do *cold calling. And YET instead of letting the telemarketeer call in peace, engage them in chit chat. Hmm... It doesn't sound like a very good business plan to me because, aren't they paying the telemarketeer to chit chat with them?! Hey! I can even do it for free!! Good money eh? So the telemarketeer called 1 person, got very kindly rejected by that person, turned to the "employer" and said,"how arh? got rejected." Then the "employer" indulged in 30 mins of chit chat, out of which only 5 mins was dedicated to the original problem.

I simply cannot understand why people would pay $7 per hour for someone to chit chat with them. AND it's not even dirty talk.

*cold calling refers to the activity of obtaining a list of contacts (usually made up of strangers), picking up the phone and calling them to interest in a service or product which one is marketing. If you need a better definition, there's always Google out there. If you don't know how to Google, please consult a kindergarten going child.
A New Year, A New Beginning

I know I must said this like a million times - I'm restarting my BLOG! This time I'm really serious. To prove my sincerity, I'm going to write at least once a week! That's my quota for writing.

At least this is a place to let off steam at and it entertains my friends, so why not? Without an outlet to vent my frustration, people around are finding themselves at the end of my tongue lashing... Sigh... My friends are dwindling. So, to save our sanity and relationships, here goes...